Moje herné skúsenosti pridal Darkblack 6.5. 2008 o 20:09 ()
* samozrejme onlinovky (než som si zohnal poriadne PC a teraz na uvolnenie od vážnych hier :-)
* 18 Wheels of Steel - Across America * 18 Wheels of Steel - Convoy * 18 Wheels of Steel - Pedal to the metal * 6 ženichů a 1 navíc * 7 Sins * Agatha Christie - Evil under the Sun * Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orinet Express * Ants * Beyond good & evil * Black & White * Black & White II * Bus Driver * Caesar IV * Construction Destruction * Crysis * Cultures II * Diablo II * Disciples II * Driver * Driver - Parallel lines * Duke * Evil Genius * Fallout Tactics * Gods - Lands of infinity * Gothic III * Guard Shield * Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe * Hitman - Blood money * Hitman - Contracts * King of the Road * Mafia * Overlord * Penumbra - Black plague * Poker * Prince of Persia * Prince of Persia - The two thrones * Prince of Persia - Warrior within * Rail Simulator * Sebran * Smoke Attack * Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory * Starcraft * Stronghold crusader * The Elder Scrolls III. - Morrowind * The Elder Scrolls IV. - Oblivion * The Settlers II - 10th anniversary * The Sims * The Sims - Castaway Stories * The Sims II * The Witcher * Thief - Deadly shadows * Toy Story II * Warcraft III * Zoo Tycoon
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